Drama Club 2019


The 2019 fall production will be Seussical Kids.

If your child(ren) is/are interested in being part of the Harris Hill Drama Club in conjunction with Bravo Creative Arts Production Company this Fall, please review the IMPORTANT INFORMTION for our Fall Production of Seussical Kids:

  1. Please read the HH Seussical Handbook and Audition Information before deciding to audition by clicking HERE.
  2. Audition / Registration forms are available here: Audition/Conflict Form, Stage Crew Registration Form, Ensemble Registration Form, Permission Form.  Please bring the forms to the Auditions.  Please review the Rehearsal and Production schedule for any known rehearsal conflicts prior to the audition and remember to bring a picture of your child and completed double-sided Audition/Conflict form to the audition.
  3. Students in grades 2-5 who want a speaking role Must Audition – expect to stay one hour.  Pick 9:30, 10:00, 0r 10:30 to arrive.
  4. Students K-2 (Ensemble Only) and Tech Crew Grades 3-5 only – no auditions, but please come anytime during the audition timeslots to register your child(ren).
  5. Once you have completed your Audition (or registration form for K-2 (Ensemble) or Tech Crew) you may leave to make room for more children.
  6. The Participation Fee is $50 for all actors and $25 for Tech/Crew and show T-shirts are included in this fee (payable to Bravo! Creative Arts Productions). All proceeds from this show go to the HH PTA.

We are looking forward to another great production at Harris Hill!

Please contact Taryn Anne Reilly (PTA Drama Club Parent Coordinator) if you have any questions.   Tarynanne.reilly@l3harris.com