This year our school play is being presented online. The viewings for Cast A and Cast B can be accessed on YouTube with the links below. We are proud of all of the Harris Hill students who participated in the presentation. Great job!
Cast A Presentation:
Cast B Presentation:

Click Here to Register
If you have questions that the information below does not answer
please email Ed Rocha at
Important Links:
- HH Alice in Wonderland Flyer: Google Drive | HH-PTA Link
- Audition Monologues: Google Drive | HH-PTA Link
Dear Parents and Students:
We are all looking forward to a fantastic second half of the year and our online Spring production of Alice in Wonderland. On this page you should find all the information you need regarding auditions, rehearsals, and performances for Alice in Wonderland. If not, feel free to contact me for further information. And most important: as you come to audition, remember… putting on a play is a team sport! When everyone is cast in a role, performing their best and working together, it not only becomes a piece of art but…. IT’S A LOT OF FUN!
We hope that being able to select your scheduled rehearsal day will provide lots of flexibility for your family to make rehearsals work around sports, lessons, and other family activities. On the audition form you will have the opportunity to sign up for the role that most interests and fits your child. I look forward to seeing you at auditions!
Edward Rocha, Director
(585)747-4420 /
There are many unique and special roles in Alice in Wonderland. Some focus on singing, others on dancing and some are strictly acting parts. Since Alice in Wonderland includes some characters that are children and some that are adults there will be lead roles available for younger grades as well as some lead roles for students in upper grades. Casting will be based on an actor’s age/grade, rehearsal availability, interests, and audition.
The Production Team is dedicated to providing a quality educational and artistic experience to as many students as possible. We will do our best to honor the schedule we present by making as few or no changes to the schedule and by always starting and stopping on time.
We will be holding a parent meeting once we are up and running. This is a great opportunity to meet the Director, find out more details about the production process and ask any questions regarding the show. Meeting date and time TBD.
We will be sending out information after rehearsals begin outlining the specific items needed for each student. Information regarding hair and make-up will be sent home before we start to record. Individual students will be asked to provide appropriate undergarments and shoes where applicable. Costumes and props will be on loan from Bravo! Jr. If financial assistance is needed to help outfit your child or children both Bravo! and the PTA will be happy to assist. The last thing anyone wants is for a child not be able to participate due to any financial constraints.
E-mail blasts will be our primary means of communication. We will post all schedules and pertinent show information to the PTA website. Please check the website often.
Please make every effort to report absences before the rehearsal time. That way the teaching team can adjust the schedule to accommodate. Excessive absences or tardiness may require some modifications to a student’s role.
The registration fee is $50.00 and covers costume rental, props, and an Alice in Wonderland Show Memorabilia Kit! Students participating must be fully registered and paid to receive an audition time slot. Half of the proceeds collected will go directly to the Harris Hill PTA.
After registering payment can be made to Bravo Creative Arts through PayPal. Please include your student’s name in the note when submitting a payment. If PayPal is not possible for you please contact us for alternative methods.
The production is recorded in advance during your child’s scheduled rehearsal time slot. Online performances will take place in May and each family will also receive a link to the show for a keepsake!
All students signing up for Alice in Wonderland auditioning for a speaking/singing role must attend a general audition. Here is what to expect:
1. Please read through all the information posted on PTA website before making a commitment to the production. Fill out a registration/audition form located on the PTA website
2. All students auditioning will be asked to memorize a short monologue from the attached list.
3. Singing solo is not required to be in the show. However, students who would like a chance to sing solo, please familiarize yourself with a song of your choice for your audition. The song can be from any style of music. You will only be singing a few lines, so pick the part of the song that suits you best! Accompaniment or background tracks are not needed.
4. Come to your audition day and be ready to have fun!
Travel down the rabbit hole and join Alice, one of literature’s most beloved heroines, in her madcap adventures. This musical adaptation of Alice in Wonderland. is a fast-paced take on the classic tale.The ever-curious Alice’s journey begins innocently enough as she chases the White Rabbit. Her adventures become increasingly more topsy turvy as she encounters the residents of Wonderland. Roles are plentiful, including dozens of wonderfully wacky characters, providing plentiful opportunities to showcase students of all different musical skill levels. This will allow for a highly expandable cast size.