2021-2022 Drama Club – Press Start!

Information Packet: https://harrishill-pta.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Press-Start-Information-Packet.pdf

Registration Handout Flier: https://harrishill-pta.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Press-Start-Handout.pdf

Online Registration Link: https://forms.gle/S53oLQDuVWjMLJqM9

Press Start Song: (download this audio file to assist with your audition) https://harrishill-pta.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/press-start-song.mp3

*Please note that registration closes on January 5th. If you have any trouble registering online feel free to contact Mr. Ed Rocha or the HH PTA directly.

Dear Parents and Students:

We are all looking forward to a fantastic second half of the year and our Spring production of Press Start! In this packet, you should find all the information you need regarding auditions, rehearsals, and performances for Press Start. If not, feel free to contact me for further information. And most important: as you come to audition, remember… putting on a play is a team sport! When everyone is cast in a role, performing their best and working together, it not only becomes a piece of art but…. IT’S A LOT OF FUN!

We hope that being able to review the rehearsal schedule and list your conflicts should help to provide lots of flexibility for your family to make rehearsals work around sports, lessons, and other family activities. On the audition form you will have the opportunity to sign up for the role that most interests and fits your child.

I look forward to seeing you at auditions!


Edward Rocha, Director

(585)747-4420 / bravocreativeartsproductions@gmail.com